lauantai 30. lokakuuta 2010

Yosemite NP.

Suvi and Katja waking up at the same time. It remained a mystery to us why so many people with more time than us camp in crowded campgrounds and basically nobody in the free, quieter and of course more scenic backcountry.

Mule deer.

Markku on a dead sequoia in Yosemite NP.
Boys on snow first time after a long break. Because of the early snow the road over the mountains was closed in the morning, but luckily was opened later and we did not need to take the much longer way to get to the East from Yosemite Valley.
Tuomas and Otso jumping from a dune in Death Valley NP.
Katja giving Aaro some salty sand to taste in a salt flat in Death Valley.

A coyote tired of begging food from people who have read the NP regulations too carefully.

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