We moved back to Finland at the end of October. Here our tiny apartment next to the Viikki campus of the University of Helsinki.
A week after returning to Finland Markku left to Asia. When he came back at the beginning of December the piles of snow were already high. Otso is looking the scenery through a telescope while waiting for the bus. In the background the building where we live.
Going to the zoo soon after Markku got back home. The sea was already frozen but ice was still so thin that normal ships could break it. Therefore the icebreakers (in the far left) still wait in the harbour.
The city centre of Helsinki is around 10 km from where we live. This year winter started already at the mid-November and pulling Aaro in a sledge has been easier than pushing him in the stroller.
Our home is next to the experimental farm of the University of Helsinki and thus we have cows, horses and sheep living as our neighbours.
Otso and Aaro climbing a slope from a small pond on our backyard. Bigger boys playing ice-hockey in the background.
The same pond from a different angle.
Otso digging a snow cave in a natural wind blown snow pile in front of our bedroom window.
Boys playing in front of our living room window.
Aaro posing.
Otso walking in the field that begins from our backyard.
Boys making “snow angels”.
In the future we will update our blog much less frequently (if ever as our adventures are over for now). We started the blog after moving to Malaysia in 2005: www.markkukatja.blogspot.com.
Päivätämme blogiamme jatkossa paljon harvemmin (jos ikinä, koska seikkailumme ovat tällä erää ohi). Aloitimme blogimme muutettuamme Malesiaan vuonna 2005 osoitteessa www.markkukatja.blogspot.com.
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